Oregon Precincts Map: 2020 Election

maps voting Oregon politics

A Leaflet map of Oregon precincts and the 2020 US presidential election.

Ian McDonald https://www.ianrmcdonald.com


This project is a relatively simple demonstration of mapping technology available to R users, using Oregon election precincts and results from the 2020 general election.

Originally, I compiled Portland, Oregon metro district precinct data for the 2020 presidential election. Using mapping tools and R database management features, I generated colored maps that show precinct level electoral results.

In some ways, the result evokes the New York Times’s extremely detailed map of the 2020 election which first appeared following the election of 2016. The Times’s tool uses the Mapbox platform and the Open Street Maps layer.

Like my project, the Times’s tool adapts precinct data. At the precinct level, compiling this data is labor intensive, and precinct results are usually not aggregated by states along with the results reported by counties. Rather, they are reported by individual counties, and typically not provided as exportable datasets, but as PDF’s with inconsistent formatting. They noted, “scraped and standardized precinct-level election results from around the country, and joined this tabular data to precinct GIS data to create a nationwide election map.” 1.

PDF scraping software such as Tabula can help the process but some kind of manual transcription or editing is necessary. As the Times’s tool shows, the compilation is incomplete at this writing (2/10/2021). 2 The data used by the Times are available in a GEOjson download which I posted on the Github site.

My project uses shapefiles from various agencies around Oregon and extracts downloaded from OpenElections and some of the counties.

The map uses tmap’s Leaflet implementation and let’s users drill into a display that shows address-level two party election result with color coding and vote detail. This example displays percentages of the two party presidential election results.

This post includes the maps and the code that generated them. The supporting data tables and shapefiles can be found at https://github.com/ianrmcdonald/oregon_precincts_2020

Load Libraries

This list and sequence should be cleaned up. I’m using the easypackages function libraries.

packages <- c("sf", "raster", "spData", "usmap", "spDataLarge", 
    "leaflet", "rgdal", "RColorBrewer", "tmap", "tmaptools", 
    "tidyverse", "kableExtra")



options(dplyr.summarise.inform = FALSE)

Generate a centering address

This chunk can produce an address marker using the geocode_OSM function from tmap. An example is shown here. In the next version this will use a text input for Shiny.

address_input <- c("Portland State University")

getAddress <- function(address_text) {
    address_raw <- geocode_OSM(address_text)
    address <- tibble(place = c(address_text), longitude = address_raw$coords["x"], 
        latitude = address_raw$coords["y"])
    address_output <- st_as_sf(address, coords = c("longitude", 
        "latitude"), crs = "NAD83", agr = "constant")

address_sf <- getAddress(address_input)

Load and process shapefiles and sf objects

County and state websites generally use shapefiles, but some counties have switched to GEOJSON. I read the rawfiles as sf objects using st_read function. In this case, I combine an Oregon shapefile for counties with Clark County in Washington, included because Clark County is part of the Portland Metro area.

At some point, I need to find a way to convert map objects used in ggplot into sf objects.Somehow this will involve the st_as_sf function but I haven’t figured it out yet. The usmaps package is very handy for quick map generation, and it uses Alaska and Hawaii properly, but my intent is to use tmap whenever possible.

I used the Metro website to find precinct shapefiles for Multnomah, Clackamas, and Washington counties. Portland State University posted 2018 shapefiles for the remainder of the state, and they appear to work fine for the 2020 election. Clark County WA came from the county website. The New York Times extract appears to have reliable precinct shapefiles for Oregon as well, but I obtained these shapefiles before the Times tool was published.

I added labels from the USMAP fips lookup. Is there a better lookup table provided by the Census bureau from tidycensus?

Notice that I transform the sf objects into a coordinate reference system of NAD83, although they appear to have been read with that CRS. The bind_rows function doesn’t appear to work otherwise. I"m probably assigning the CRS reduantly but my early attempts would often fail because of CRS inconsistency.

I added a state boundary layer because I have included Clark County data from Washington state. Oregon precinct boundaries came from https://opendata.imspdx.org/dataset/november-2018-election-oregon-results-by-precinct. This link hasn’t worked for some time.

Load County Shapefiles

oregon_counties_sf <- st_read("shapefiles/oregon_counties/counties.shp", 
    quiet = TRUE) %>% st_transform(or_counties, crs = "NAD83") %>% 

washington_state_counties_sf <- st_read("shapefiles/washington_counties/WA_County_Boundaries.shp", 
    quiet = TRUE) %>% st_transform(crs = "NAD83") %>% mutate(STFID = as.character(JURISDIC_5))

washington_state_sf <- st_union(washington_state_counties_sf)

clark_county_sf <- washington_state_counties_sf %>% filter(JURISDIC_2 == 

Often, I use the dplyr function bind_rows to consolidate sf objects. It generally works fine, even when there are slight differences in field names that need to be reconciled.

oregon_counties_and_clark_sf <- bind_rows(oregon_counties_sf, 
    clark_county_sf) %>% st_transform(crs = "NAD83")

The usmap package provides a fips_info function that generates county names in a fips table from a single column of FIPS input. This chunk attaches names to the county shapefile. The Tidycensus package can provide the same content.

oregon_fips_df <- fips_info(oregon_counties_and_clark_sf$STFID) %>% 
    mutate(county = gsub(" County", "", county))

oregon_counties_and_clark_sf <- left_join(oregon_counties_and_clark_sf, 
    oregon_fips_df, by = c(STFID = "fips"))

This chunk generates a county level map with the state bounary layer. This step applies the st_union function to generate the state boundary.

oregon_state_sf <- st_union(oregon_counties_sf)

oregon_bb <- st_bbox(oregon_counties_and_clark_sf)

This chunk creates a simple map of counties without precincts.


oregon_county_tm <- tm_shape(oregon_counties_and_clark_sf, bbox = oregon_bb) + 
    tm_text("county", size = 0.5) + tm_polygons(alpha = 0, id = "county") + 
    tm_shape(oregon_state_sf) + tm_borders(col = "orange", lwd = 2.5)


Load Precinct Shapefiles

As noted above, Metro Portland the rest of the state are processed separately.

metro_portland_precinct_sf <- st_read("shapefiles/metro_portland_precinct/precinct.shp", 
    quiet = TRUE) %>% select(precinct = PRECINCTID, county = COUNTY, 
    geometry) %>% mutate(county = case_when(county == "W" ~ "Washington", 
    county == "M" ~ "Multnomah", county == "C" ~ "Clackamas", 
    TRUE ~ "Other")) %>% 
st_transform(crs = "NAD83")

clark_wa_precincts_sf <- st_read("shapefiles/clark_precinct_shapefiles/Precinct.shp", 
    quiet = TRUE) %>% select(precinct = PRECINCT, geometry) %>% 
    mutate(precinct = str_c("K", as.character(precinct)), county = "Clark") %>% 
    st_transform(crs = "NAD83")

Create a county level sf object that includes only the four counties of Metro Portland.

metro_portland_counties_sf <- oregon_counties_and_clark_sf %>% 
    filter(county %in% c("Multnomah", "Washington", "Clackamas", 

Merge Clark County WA into the metro Portland precinct file.

metro_portland_precinct_sf <- bind_rows(metro_portland_precinct_sf, 

We generate a map that shows precinct detail within counties. The Oregon map excludes the Portland metro area counties.

tmap_options(max.categories = 50)

metro_portland_tm <- tm_shape(metro_portland_precinct_sf) + tm_polygons(col = "county", 
    legend.show = FALSE, id = "county") + tm_shape(metro_portland_counties_sf) + 
    tm_text("county", fontface = "bold")


We generate an sf object with precincts outside the Portland Metro area

or_precinct_sf <- st_read("shapefiles/oregon_precincts/OregonPrecinctsNov2018.shp", 
    quiet = TRUE) %>% filter(!County %in% c("Multnomah", "Washington", 
    "Clackamas")) %>% st_transform("NAD83") %>% rename(county = County, 
    precinct = Precinct)

oregon_counties_wo_PDX_sf <- oregon_counties_and_clark_sf %>% 
    filter(!county %in% c(c("Multnomah", "Washington", "Clackamas", 

or_precinct_tm <- tm_shape(or_precinct_sf) + tm_polygons(col = "county", 
    legend.show = FALSE, id = "county") + tm_shape(oregon_counties_wo_PDX_sf) + 
    tm_text("county", size = 0.75, fontface = "bold") + tm_shape(oregon_state_sf) + 
    tm_borders(col = "orange", lwd = 2.5)


Load vote data for 2020 presidential election

This section processes the various files with precinct level election results. A lot of inconsistencies about candidate and party labeling are handled in these routines.

Build an data format function based on thee Open Elections data format

This function applies the Open Election data format, excluding some counties that are processed separately. In some cases, the Open Election data doesn’t identify the correct precincts, while Metro Portland data was obtained before Open Elections processed it.

Process votes for most Oregon counties

Process every county except the list of pre-processed counties below. The open data version of files for some counties outside of Portland were incomplete, so I found other sources for them (primarily the county websites).

pre_processed_counties <- c("Multnomah", "Washington", "Clackamas", 
    "Polk", "Yamhill", "Marion", "Tillamook", "Lane")

or_precincts_votes <- open_election_format_votes("data/votes/oregon_precincts.csv", 
    col_types = cols(.default = "c", votes = "d")) %>% filter(!county %in% 

Process Lane County vote totals, hand tabulated from county pdf.

lane_votes <- read_csv("data/votes/lane.csv", col_types = cols(.default = "d", 
    precinct = "c")) %>% mutate(county = "Lane") %>% rename(DEM = Biden, 
    REP = Trump) %>% mutate(OTH = Total - DEM - REP) %>% select(county, 
    precinct, DEM, REP, OTH)

Marion, Polk, and Yamhill County voter data. Note these use the Open Elections standard format. Portland Metro counties generated further down.

This chunk was necessary because the consolidated state file for Open Elections had issues with these three counties. In theory, this function could be applied to all individual county files.

open_election_col_types = cols(.default = "c", votes = "d")

counties <- c("marion", "polk", "yamhill")
counties_csv_names <- str_c("data/votes/20201103__or__general__", 
    counties, "__precinct.csv")

marion_polk_yamhill_votes <- map_df(counties_csv_names, open_election_format_votes)

Tillamook County, hand tabulated from the published county pdf

tillamook_votes <- read_csv("data/votes/tillamook_votes.csv", 
    col_types = cols(.default = "c", DEM = "d", REP = "d", OTH = "d")) %>% 
    rename(precinct = precinct_votefile) %>% select(county, precinct, 
    DEM, REP, OTH)

Consolidate the five additional counties with or_precincts_votes, then print a sample of ten records from the consolidated table.

or_precincts_votes <- bind_rows(or_precincts_votes, tillamook_votes, 
    lane_votes, marion_polk_yamhill_votes)

or_precincts_votes %>% sample_n(10)
# A tibble: 10 x 5
   county    precinct             REP   DEM   OTH
   <chr>     <chr>              <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1 Marion    403                 1701  1512   103
 2 Marion    352                  193   214    11
 3 Josephine Precinct 18         1002   418    49
 4 Tillamook Foley                204   247    15
 5 Marion    342                    4     2     0
 6 Clatsop   23 - South Clatsop   597   576    29
 7 Jackson   Precinct 009         486   248    26
 8 Deschutes Precinct 30          906  1176    53
 9 Lincoln   02 Alsea             309   297    10
10 Columbia  44 Rural Vernonia    575   245    22

Read in a lookup table that matches vote file precinct names and shape file precinct names

lookup <- read_csv("data/votes_shapefile_lookup.csv", col_types = cols(.default = "c")) %>% 
    mutate(county = str_to_title(tolower(county)))

lookup %>% sample_n(10)
# A tibble: 10 x 3
   county     precinct_votefile precinct         
   <chr>      <chr>             <chr>            
 1 Crook      Precinct 16       OR_CROOK_16      
 2 Josephine  Precinct 21       OR_JOSEPHINE_21  
 3 Washington Precinct 396      OR_WASHINGTON_396
 4 Multnomah  4706              OR_MULTNOMAH_4706
 5 Multnomah  3102              OR_MULTNOMAH_3102
 6 Lane       762               OR_LANE_0762     
 7 Multnomah  4503              OR_MULTNOMAH_4503
 8 Washington Precinct 431      OR_WASHINGTON_431
 9 Linn       Precinct 095      OR_LINN_095      
10 Washington Precinct 308      OR_WASHINGTON_308

Combine lookup table and shapefile.

Two columns have white space in the text and needs to be trimmed. Could replace regular expressions with simpler tidy version; here I use a regular expression.

or_precinct_sf$precinct_votefile <- gsub("\\s+", "", or_precinct_sf$precinct_votefile)
or_precincts_votes$precinct <- gsub("\\s+", "", or_precincts_votes$precinct)

The final version of the or_precinct_sf object appears here. The df version of the sf object is handy for viewing and validation. Print a sample of ten reecords.

or_precinct_sf <- inner_join(or_precinct_sf, or_precincts_votes, 
    by = c(county = "county", precinct_votefile = "precinct")) %>% 
    select(county, precinct = precinct_votefile, REP, DEM, OTH, 
        geometry) %>% st_transform(crs = "NAD83")

or_precinct_df <- st_drop_geometry(or_precinct_sf)
or_precinct_df %>% sample_n(10)
      county               precinct  REP  DEM OTH
1     Marion                    578   25   22   2
2      Baker           BakerCountry  627  133  15
3       Lane                   1123  170 1747 104
4   Columbia               10Milton  492  405  26
5       Linn            Precinct018 1070 1147 116
6    Klamath             Precinct37  387  451  37
7     Marion                    336    3    5   0
8    Jackson            Precinct015 1471 1976 104
9   Umatilla 109R-ADAMS,OUTSIDECITY   48   10   0
10 Jefferson       No.16CampSherman   83  156   4

Process the Metro Portland Vote tables

This section process vote tables for Multnomah, Clackamas, and Washington, plus Clark County WA

Clackamas County is somplicated because their reports combine several precincts. This chunk consolidates the affected precincts.

clackamas_precincts_combined <- tribble(~p1, ~p2, "007", "010", 
    "070", "071", "099", "100", "103", "104", "251", "252", "361", 
    "362", "417", "418") %>% mutate(PRECINCTID = str_c("C", p1, 
    "_", p2))

combine_clackamas_precincts <- function(df, insert_df) {
    insert_df <- insert_df %>% mutate(p1 = str_c("C", p1), p2 = str_c("C", 
    df <- df %>% rename(PRECINCTID = precinct)
    extract <- df %>% filter(PRECINCTID %in% insert_df$p1 | PRECINCTID %in% 
    remaining <- df %>% rows_delete(extract, by = "PRECINCTID")
    insert_df <- insert_df %>% pivot_longer(cols = c(p1, p2), 
        names_to = "p", values_to = "OLD_PRECINCTID")
    insert_df <- insert_df %>% rename(NEWPRECINCTID = PRECINCTID, 
    extract <- inner_join(extract, insert_df, by = "PRECINCTID") %>% 
        select(-PRECINCTID) %>% rename(PRECINCTID = NEWPRECINCTID)
    df <- remaining %>% rows_insert(extract, by = "PRECINCTID") %>% 
        rename(precinct = PRECINCTID)

The function consolidates Clackamas precincts and reinserts them into metro_portland_precinct_sf

metro_portland_precinct_sf <- combine_clackamas_precincts(metro_portland_precinct_sf, 

metro_portland_precinct_df <- st_drop_geometry(metro_portland_precinct_sf)

As noted earlier, the Metro Portland vote data were generated by hand before it became available in the Open Elections extract.

multnomah_votes_df <- read_csv("data/votes/multnomah_votes.csv", 
    col_types = cols(.default = "d", precinct = "c")) %>% mutate(county = "Multnomah", 
    PRECINCTID = str_c("M", precinct)) %>% select(county, precinct = PRECINCTID, 
    DEM, REP, OTH)

clackamas_votes_df <- read_csv("data/votes/clackamas_votes.csv", 
    col_types = cols(.default = "d", precinct = "c")) %>% mutate(county = "Clackamas", 
    precinct = str_c("C", precinct))

washington_votes_df <- read_csv("data/votes/washington_county_votes.csv", 
    col_types = cols(.default = "d", precinct = "c")) %>% mutate(county = "Washington", 
    precinct = str_c("W", precinct), OTH = TOT - DEM - REP) %>% 
    select(county, precinct, DEM, REP, OTH)

clark_votes_df <- read_csv("data/votes/clark_votes.csv", col_types = cols(.default = "d", 
    precinct = "c")) %>% mutate(county = "Clark", precinct = str_c("K", 
    precinct), OTH = TOT - DEM - REP) %>% select(county, precinct, 
    DEM, REP, OTH)

metro_portland_votes_df <- bind_rows(multnomah_votes_df, clark_votes_df, 
    washington_votes_df, clackamas_votes_df)

metro_portland_votes_df %>% sample_n(10)
# A tibble: 10 x 5
   county     precinct   DEM   REP   OTH
   <chr>      <chr>    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1 Clark      K561       238   268    22
 2 Clackamas  C415        50    76     2
 3 Clackamas  C005      1286  1209   100
 4 Clark      K108       903   257    58
 5 Clark      K296       497   271    28
 6 Washington W410      2064  1036   112
 7 Multnomah  M3611     4694   640   155
 8 Washington W379      5092  1623   235
 9 Multnomah  M5004     3672  2567   214
10 Clackamas  C031      1458  1047    96

Join metro Portland vote tables and sf objects.

Here we check for precincts in each table that don’t match. In this case, a non-populated precinct in Clackamas County is the only unmatched precinct.

check <- anti_join(metro_portland_precinct_df, metro_portland_votes_df, 
    by = c("county", "precinct"))

  precinct    county
1     C000 Clackamas

Create the final consolidated sf object for Metro Portland. Report a sample of ten records.

metro_portland_precinct_sf <- inner_join(metro_portland_precinct_sf, 
    metro_portland_votes_df, by = c("county", "precinct")) %>% 
    select(county, precinct, DEM, REP, OTH) %>% mutate(precinct = str_sub(precinct, 

or_precinct_sf <- bind_rows(or_precinct_sf, metro_portland_precinct_sf)

or_precinct_df <- st_drop_geometry(or_precinct_sf)
or_precinct_df %>% sample_n(10)
       county             precinct  REP  DEM OTH
1  Washington                  325    0    3   0
2       Clark                  450  497  749  45
3       Clark                  575  300  165  15
4       Clark                  940  709  463  41
5    Umatilla 126-HERMISTON,CITYOF  687  564  43
6  Washington                  435 1608 2335 157
7  Washington                  390  687 1534  42
8   Clackamas                  415   76   50   2
9  Washington                  324  280  219  20
10  Deschutes           Precinct27  374 1830  59

Build the base Leaflet map object

In this case, the leaflet map object is generated by tmap’s viewer mode. Some additional formatting variables added in this chunk.

or_precinct_sf <- or_precinct_sf %>% mutate(Votes = DEM + REP + 
    OTH) %>% mutate(DemMOV = round((DEM/Votes - REP/Votes), 3) * 
    100) %>% mutate(vpct = abs(round((DEM/Votes - REP/Votes), 
    3) * 100)) %>% 
mutate(pwinner = ifelse(DEM > REP, "DEM", "REP")) %>% 
mutate(pct_lbl = str_c(pwinner, " ", vpct)) %>% 
mutate(hover = str_c(county, " ", precinct, ": Victory Margin = ", 
    pct_lbl, " Total Votes = ", Votes)) %>% 
select(county, precinct, DemMOV, vpct, DEM, REP, OTH, hover)

The final or_precinct_votes table has this structure:

or_precinct_df <- st_drop_geometry(or_precinct_sf)

or_precinct_df %>% sample_n(10)
       county               precinct DemMOV vpct  DEM  REP OTH
1   Deschutes             Precinct42   -7.9  7.9 1525 1795 112
2  Washington                    341  -10.3 10.3  151  188  20
3       Clark                    961   18.5 18.5  286  194  18
4    Umatilla 116-ATHENA,OUTSIDECITY  -19.9 19.9   56   85   5
5     Malheur      14-NorthRuralVale  -67.7 67.7  117  643  17
6  Washington                    438  -21.1 21.1  109  169   7
7       Baker                Baker#4  -53.1 53.1  275  937  34
8   Clackamas                    284   40.3 40.3  204   83  13
9   Multnomah                   4510   41.7 41.7 1647  662  51
10      Clark                    637   26.1 26.1  438  252  24
1             Deschutes Precinct42: Victory Margin = REP 7.9 Total Votes = 3432
2                   Washington 341: Victory Margin = REP 10.3 Total Votes = 359
3                        Clark 961: Victory Margin = DEM 18.5 Total Votes = 498
4  Umatilla 116-ATHENA,OUTSIDECITY: Victory Margin = REP 19.9 Total Votes = 146
5        Malheur 14-NorthRuralVale: Victory Margin = REP 67.7 Total Votes = 777
6                   Washington 438: Victory Margin = REP 21.1 Total Votes = 285
7                   Baker Baker#4: Victory Margin = REP 53.1 Total Votes = 1246
8                    Clackamas 284: Victory Margin = DEM 40.3 Total Votes = 300
9                  Multnomah 4510: Victory Margin = DEM 41.7 Total Votes = 2360
10                       Clark 637: Victory Margin = DEM 26.1 Total Votes = 714
# find some table functionality besides kbl that works

Draw the map

Note that we created code that can control the midpoint between the colored Democratic and Republican precincts on the map (which defaults to 0.) Here, we have set the midpoint to +16, the Democrats’ margin of victory in Oregon. This means the colors relative significance but sometimes show Democratic precincts as red.

# Eliminate NaN's from the table listed here.  If a precinct
# has zero votes it winds up with this result

tm_min = -100
tm_max = 100
min_max_bound <- function(x, min = tm_min, max = tm_max) {
    min(max(x, min), max)

rwb <- colorRampPalette(c("#ff0000", "white", "#0000fa"))(256)

midpoint <- 16
pctiles <- midpoint + c(-80, -70, -60, -50, -40, -20, -5, 0, 
    5, 20, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80)
pctiles <- c(tm_min, map_dbl(pctiles, min_max_bound), tm_max)

bb_small <- bb(address_input, ext = 10)


tmap_options(basemaps = c("OpenStreetMap"))

or_precincts_tm <- tm_shape(or_precinct_sf, bbox = bb_small) + 
    tm_polygons(col = "DemMOV", n = length(10), id = "hover", 
        style = "fixed", breaks = pctiles, alpha = 0.6, palette = rwb, 
        midpoint = NA, legend.show = TRUE) + tm_view(set.zoom.limits = c(6, 
    15)) + 
tm_shape(oregon_counties_and_clark_sf, bbox = bb_small) + tm_borders(lwd = 1, 
    col = "blue")


Redraw the map zooming on address

This map has removed the zoom limits and focuses on address in the address_sf object. In this rendition, the address is “Portland State University”.

or_precincts_tm_2 <- tm_shape(or_precinct_sf, bbox = bb(address_input, 
    ext = 2)) + tm_polygons(col = "DemMOV", n = length(10), id = "hover", 
    style = "fixed", breaks = pctiles, alpha = 0.5, palette = rwb, 
    midpoint = NA, legend.show = TRUE) + 
tm_shape(oregon_counties_and_clark_sf) + tm_borders(lwd = 1.5, 
    col = "blue")


  1. https://github.com/TheUpshot/presidential-precinct-map-2020↩︎

  2. The Times’s data compilation involved the efforts of several contributors, including the Open Elections project directed by Derek Willis. See credits at https://github.com/TheUpshot/presidential-precinct-map-2020. ↩︎


If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.


Text and figures are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY-NC 4.0. Source code is available at https://github.com/ianrmcdonald/irm_2021, unless otherwise noted. The figures that have been reused from other sources don't fall under this license and can be recognized by a note in their caption: "Figure from ...".


For attribution, please cite this work as

McDonald (2021, March 10). Ian R. McDonald Ph.D. Website: Oregon Precincts Map: 2020 Election. Retrieved from https://github.com/ianrmcdonald/irm_2021/posts/2021-05-06 Oregon Precincts Map/

BibTeX citation

  author = {McDonald, Ian},
  title = {Ian R. McDonald Ph.D. Website: Oregon Precincts Map: 2020 Election},
  url = {https://github.com/ianrmcdonald/irm_2021/posts/2021-05-06 Oregon Precincts Map/},
  year = {2021}